Esteban & Bethany Amaya
Serving in Mexico
To Every Tribe

What They Do
Esteban is from Bolivia and Bethany is American, but they met and married while missionaries in Costa Rica. Through Bible Institues of Central America (IBAC), they work to provide training for pastors and church leaders who have not had the opportunity to receive formal theological training. Esteban coordinates IBAC in Mexico, Bolivia, and Argentina, as well as, serves as an IBAC instructor. Bethany translates and serves in communication. They live in Queretaro, Mexico with their four children.
How Can I Pray?
Join us in praying for the Amaya family today.
- Faithfulness in all God has entrusted to them
- wisdom in raising their children
- wisdom in balancing the demands of ministry while investing in quality time as a family
- open doors for the Gospel and for discipleship
How Can I Give?