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Take Your First Step

Discovery Class

Join our Discovery Class at CBC to learn about our church’s values, explore community engagement opportunities and meet new people like yourself. Take your first step today! We’ll see you there!

What about my children?

Children's Programming

Community Kids Holiday Schedule | Sunday 12/22 & 12/29 – 10 am only for ages Infant – 4 year old.

We offer children’s programming for ages infant – 5th grade during our 10am service and infant – 4 years old at our 8:30am service. You can speed up the check in process in our Children’s Wing by letting us know that you are coming below.

Connect with Us!

Not sure where to start? Or just want to learn more?

Shannon Wilson, Connections Director, would love to connect with you! You also can fill our our Connect Card below. | 336-841-4480

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