To reach and equip the next generation with a solid understanding of their faith so that they can confidently live the Christian life.

What to Expect
A Sunday night in Community:Students (rising 6th grade – rising 12th grade) is a safe, fun environment for your teens to fellowship with their peers, worship, participate in small groups and grow in the Gospel.

All Community:Students volunteers and small group leaders receive a background check and do not serve alone.
C:S Core Values
These are the values by which we operate as a ministry.
We want our lives to show that we love Jesus more than anything else.
Prayer is our default reaction to all of life’s circumstances.
We want to represent Christ by telling others about the gospel using words and action.
We belong when we have shared experiences and relationships all centered around God.
Loving others is the result of understanding the way we have been loved.
We can’t contain our excitement for what God has done. We have to talk about it!