About this Ministry
The Worship Arts ministry exists to glorify God and lead our church in worship through music, creativity, and technical excellence, helping to communicate the Gospel and celebrate what God is doing in and through our church.
Worship Team
The worship team gets to lead in “centering our lives on Jesus and making disciples” through singing truth. As a team we keep the 1st things 1st, speak the truth in love, act as humble servants but bold leaders, and lead with un-distracting excellence.
Creative Team
Whether it is a photo of a greeter on Sunday mornings, a video celebration of Baptism, or a graphic design to help communicate an event, this team helps us creatively share what God is doing in the life of our church.
Baptism Team
The day a person is baptized, professing their faith in Christ, is a very important day in the life of a Christ-follower. The baptism team assists the ministry staff, deacons, baptism candidates, and their families, as they make their public confession of faith in Jesus. We help with the logistics around a person’s baptism, including making sure candidates know where to change, providing towels, securing seating for family members, etc. There are few greater joys than celebrating baptism with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Production Team
More of a behind the scenes or a tech-y kind of person? Our production team supports our worship gatherings with sound, lighting, lyrics, live streaming, & cameras. They help us creatively communicate the good news of the gospel on campus and online!
Join a Team!
We look forward to serving with you. Fill out the form below and we will be in touch!